Name and address (responsible for the content)
Forchstrasse 434
8702 Zürich-Zollikon
Telefon: +41 43 499 63 63
OPTURE AG is responsible in case of data privacy laws for personal data collection, processing and use when visiting our website.
A cooperating company based in the European Union (EU) is the legally independent company OPTURE GmbH, Hasenhoehe 94, D-22587 Hamburg.
Board and management (authorized representatives)
Dr. Dirk Noetzold
Dr. Mark Noetzold
For all questions around the topic of data protection, please contact our data protection officer Dr. Mark Noetzold.
Companies register of the canton of Zurich
Company number: CH-
UID: CHE-109.478.236
No guarantees
This information shall be delivered by Opture AG “as is” without any guarantee of any explicit or implied, including (but not limited to) all implied warranties of marketability, suitability of a specific purpose or non-violation. While the information provided is probably correct, it may still contain mistakes or inaccuracy.
The Opture AG website may contain hyperlinks to websites of third parties. Opture AG shall neither assume any responsibility for the contents of these websites nor shall it appropriate these websites and their contents, as Opture AG does not monitor the linked information and is not responsible for the contents and information contained there. They may be used at the user’s own risk.
External websites are subject to th liability of the respective provider. For websites and their contents, which are referred by links, no liability is assumed. and their contents, which are referred to by link, no liability is assumed. If you believe that the content of these pages violates applicable law, please contact us for review and amendment/modification if necessary
If information, software or documentation are handed over free of charge, Opture AG shall assume no liability for defects of quality and title of the information, software and documentation, accuracy, freedom from protection rights and copyrights of third parties, completeness and/or usefulness - except in cases of intent or malice. The information on the Opture website may contain specifications or general descriptions of technical possibilities for products, which do not have to be available in each individual case (e.g. owing to product changes). The required performance characteristics of the products must therefore be agreed upon during purchase in each individual case. As for the rest, any liability of Opture is excluded, except in cases where liability is mandatory, such as according to the product liability law, in cases of intent, gross negligence, owing to injury to life, body or health, owing to the assumption of a quality guarantee, in cases of fraudulent concealment of a defect or arising out of the violation of fundamental contractual obligations. The damage compensation owing to violation of fundamental contractual obligations is however limited to foreseeable damages typical to the contract, provided that there is no malicious intent or gross negligence.
The content of this website has been carefully researched. However, we assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided, including the downloadable data. All information and declarations on this website, including the downloadable data, are not binding. There are no warranties and no warranty of product features. Furthermore, no liability is assumed for damages, in particular for direct or indirect consequential damage, loss of data, loss of profits, system or production breakdowns that result from the use of this website or the downloading of data.
Subsidiary agreements, place of jurisdiction, applicable law
All subsidiary agreements must be made in written form. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich (Switzerland). The individual pages of the Opture website are operated by Opture AG, who is responsible for these. The pages take into account the requirements of the die requirements of the country out of which the company responsible is based. Opture shall not assume any responsibility for the permission to fetch or download information, software and/or documentation of the Opture website also outside the country in question. If users outside the country in question access the Opture website, they alone shall be responsible for following the regulations of the respective country’s law. Accessing information, software and/or documentation on the Opture website by people from countries in which accessing them is illegal is not permitted.
Terms and conditions
Our general terms and conditions apply exclusively; Conflicting terms or conditions of the buyer that supplement our general terms and conditions do not apply in relation to us. This shall also apply if we do not expressly object to them or if we unconditionally carry out the delivery to the buyer with knowledge of such conditions of the buyer. Supplementary or changing ancillary agreements are only valid if we have confirmed them in writing.